Camelyn – M2
70.00 €
Dosage form: Capsules
Ingredients: Lyophilized “Camelyn M” – 0.0546g, microcrystalline cellulose – 0.1981g, polyvinylpyrrolidone – 0.0073g.
The medicine Cameyn-M2 is made from a special kind of bee honey.
Camelyn –M2 contains biologically highly active substances of bee origin: aldehydes, carboxylic acids, phenols, ketones.
Description: Hard gelatin capsules. The contents of the capsules are granules of yellow color with a characteristic aromatic odor and a specific taste.
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antioxidant, immunomodulator, antimicrobial.
168 in stock
Pharmacological properties:
"Camelyn-M2" has immunomodulatory activity, enhances humoral and cellular immunity. Due to the introduction of "Camelyn-M2", the body releases cytokines - iL-1, iL-6, iL-12. "Camelyn-M2" takes part in the formation of cellular immunity and T-lymphocyte reactions, including in enhancing the mitogenesis of peripheral lymphocytes, in increasing the ratio of T-helpers and T-cytotoxic cells, in enhancing macrophage counteraction against microorganisms and tumor cells, and in reducing the number of Tc cells. "Camelyn-M2" is effective as an antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant. It has anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, analgesic effect, inhibits tumor growth. "Camelyn-M2" is actively involved in reparative processes, contributes to the rapid healing of wounds by the deposition of collagen in places of tissue damage.
"Camelyn-M2" as an immunomodulator is used in complex therapy in the following cases: viral, bacterial, fungal infections, urological diseases (chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic urethritis), tumor diseases, (to reduce side effects of chemotherapy), osteoarthritis, spinal osteochondrosis, degenerative-dystrophy joint diseases, polyneuropathy, postoperative period, injuries, tuberculosis pleuritis (empyema) and other diseases.
Method of application:
"Camelyn-M2" Capsules are taken 3 times a day, 30 minutes before a meal with water. The course of treatment is 20 days. The interval between courses is 8 days. Treatment duration 2-5 courses (2-5 months). If necessary, prolongation of maintenance treatment is possible.
Hypersensitivity to its components.
up to 5 years of age is used only on the recommendation of a doctor.
Pregnancy, lactation:
no side effects detected.
no side effects detected during an overdose.
Driving and working with mechanisms:
at use of the medicine does not require special precautions.
The medicinal interaction with other preparations:
“Camelyn-M2” is compatible with all medications taken in the treatment of the above diseases.
Form of production:
“Camelyn-M2”capsules, 30 capsules in one package, 10 capsules on one blister.
Storage conditions:
Store at a temperature of 8 - 250C, with a dry place. Out of the reach of children.
- Manufacturer: CAMELYN LTD 7 Kindzmarauli Str. 0145 Tbilisi, Gruzja
- Distributor: CAMELYN Sp. z o.o. ul. Barkocińska 6, 03-543 Warszawa, Polska
- Best before end/Batch number: see the package
- Netto: 7,8 g